“Comments are fine too. No publicity is bad publicity.”

Danica angled around, wedging herself basically into the

small store’s front window, so that Quinn had to face her. She

shook her head like a slow clap. Not the good slow clap. Like

a slow clap given to a person who has just done something

really stupid.

“Quinn, no! You didn’t!”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“You did! You slept with her? Are you for real?”

Quinn shoved the button up into her sister’s face, which

was quite a challenge given that it was still connected to her. “I

said, if you’re going to ask me silly questions, tell it to the


“I’m telling it to you!”

Quinn cranked her head around and looked to make sure

there wasn’t anyone gawking at her from behind the counter.

Luckily, a family with six kids was at the counter. They were

there when Quinn got there and they were still being helped.

Thankfully, they were also talking and laughing in their

outside voices, so that no one could hear what she was saying.

“Quinn. Please. Tell me. Tell me that you didn’t.”

“I can’t tell you anything like that,” Quinn hissed.

“Because I did. Okay? So what?”

“So what?” Danica looked like she was going to fall over.

“So what? So everything! When? That wasn’t what Billy

meant when he said to do something about it.”

“Jesus! Danica, stop. Please. I know it’s your birthday, but

can you do me a favour and just not talk about this right now.

P to the lease. Pretty. With sugar on top.” She stared

pleadingly at her sister.