We’d give ourselves fifteen minutes and whoever found the

coolest thing won. Whoever bought the best thing for five

bucks won. Whoever found the oldest thing won. It was

always those three.”

From Dallas’ huge grin, it was evident that she did

remember. “And you won almost every single time.”

“I didn’t!” Quinn protested. “Danica was pretty good at it.

Why do you think she always dragged us out?”

“And she’s actually going to do this again?”

Quinn laughed at Dallas’ incredulous tone. “She never


“You’re sure you want me to come? I might have upped

my game in the time that I’ve been away. I might be stiffer

competition now.”

Quinn brightened. Her heart wasn’t racing like it had been

when she walked into the hotel room, or when she realized

what they were going to do. Instead it beat firmly and steadily.

Maybe it was the killer climax or maybe it was just sheer relief

that made her feel all liquid and soft inside.

She found it strange that she didn’t want Dallas to

leave, since she wasn’t supposed to want her to be back in

Topeka in the first place. She felt like she was just setting

herself up for disappointment and further heartache, but she’d

deal with that when it came. A few days wasn’t much, but

right now, it felt like a very long time. A few days was more

than she ever thought that she’d have with Dallas again.

“I hope so.”

“Are you sure?” Dallas asked again. She was clearly

uncomfortable, and Quinn understood. Building back burned

bridges wasn’t easy or fun.