passionately disliked me. You thought I was a bad butt hole,

not the sort of good butt hole where you use that term

affectionately. Now you’re inviting me to see your family. I

just- it’s kind of-”

“Fast?” Quinn supplied helpfully. “I know. But it’s not like

we have a lot of time. I think if I talked to Mom and Dad

tonight, they’d be fine with you coming. If not, I could let you

know. Will you stick around until tomorrow night, or I guess

the day after at least? It would mean a lot to them. And to me.”

Dallas shifted subtly and her eyes strayed back to her

suitcase like she was thinking about leaving again. It stung.

Quinn didn’t want Dallas to just ship out on her again. She

didn’t want to never hear from her. She didn’t want Dallas to

go on living another life that didn’t include her. She hadn’t

planned on this happening either, but it shocked Quinn into

realizing that no, they couldn’t just pick up where they were

ten years ago before Dallas left, but they could put some of the

pieces back together just right. They still fit together, at least

in one way, however unexpected that was.

“Alright. I did take a week off. I have a few days to spare.

I can move my flight up, like you asked. Just please, don’t

force them to want to see me. You can talk to them, but leave

it up to them. If they don’t want me to come to Danica’s party,

I understand. If she doesn’t want me to come, I understand that


“She’ll want you to come. They will too. I know they will.

Even if you don’t come to the party, Danica has something

planned for old times’ sake.”

“What’s that?”

“Do you remember that giant flea market we used to go to?