off like that. We want the other person to see our best side. We want them to

be hopeful. I was amazed that someone like Amy chose someone like me.

That she could be attracted to me. Interested in me. That she thought my

jokes were funny and that she wanted to share in some of my hobbies. Over

time, you loosen up. You realize that that person is still just as amazing, if

not more, even if they are imperfect. That doesn’t make you love them less.

It might drive you crazy, but you learn to live with it. You learn to be better

yourself because you want to be better.”

Romi snorted. “Yeah right. I can’t see Amy enjoying the fact that you

belch like a dying elephant.”

“She hasn’t left me yet.”

“You probably fart around her too. God. She’s seriously a saint, and you

must have horseshoes stuffed up your ass.”

Jack grinned. “I’ll never tell.”


“You brought it up. But anyway, I’m trying to tell you something here

without making it obvious.”

Romi glanced down at her pizza that she’d pretty much forgotten about.

“I know.”

“Sometimes, patience goes a long way. Sometimes it doesn’t. I know

you’ve had some pretty shitty experiences, so you’ll have to decide for

yourself what’s worth it. If you like this girl and you feel like she’s

different, I wouldn’t walk away. Talk to her. Maybe she just needs to hear

one person tell her that it’s okay to not like guys. They don’t have much

going for them anyway, as you so politely stated.”


Jack grinned. “I’m just saying. You said nothing was going to happen,

but something happened. You didn’t think that this girl would ever look at

you that way because you thought she was straight. It seems like a pretty

amazing turn of events. You felt something before anything even happened.