selection and always opted to have something else, which really did leave

more for them.

Jack cracked both beers and left them on the coffee table. He sat on the

opposite end of the couch, jamming pizza into his mouth like he hadn’t

eaten for years. That was pretty much how he always ate. He didn’t demand

that she start talking or butt in. He gave her time to try to formulate the right

words. Of course there weren’t right ones, but she settled for what she could


“Something crazy happened at work. It was…yeah. Bad. Good. I don’t

know what it was. It was surprising. Nice. It felt good. But it was…shit. I

think I messed everything up. Now I’m supposed to just keep going in to

work like nothing happened.”

“Your boss,” Jack said flatly.

“Yeah. My boss.”

“I thought she wasn’t—”

“I know. Me too. She has a boyfriend. He’s fake, though. She hasn’t told

anyone. That she’s a lesbian. Not her family. Not anyone at work.”

“So she’s in denial.”

“I don’t know. Not about being a lesbian, but I think she’s afraid about

what that would mean to the people around her. To her business. To her

whole life. I don’t think that’s being in denial exactly.”

“Fear is a powerful motivator.”

“I know.” Romi slowly nibbled on a piece of pizza she’d cut off with her

fork. She chewed thoughtfully. “I know what it feels like to be so afraid that

you literally can’t tell anyone because you just keep thinking about the

worst case scenario. I didn’t talk to her about that for very long. Only as

long as it took to—”

“Jump each other’s bones.”

“Seriously?” Romi made a gagging noise. “You’re my brother. Don’t

freaking say things like that. Gross.”