and texted Jack. The day was long. It dragged on, not because she wasn’t

busy, but because she couldn’t control her racing thoughts or stop the

deluge of memories that led to confusing sensations.

Romi: Are you busy tonight? I need to talk. But only if you’re free.

Jack was always near his phone, and in a minute, her screen lit up. Amy

has a painting lesson every Monday night, but I guess that you already

know that.

Romi: I guess I did.

Jack: She’s getting groceries after, so I guess I have nothing better to

do than order pizza and talk to my sister.

Romi: Thanks a lot. You know just what to say to make me feel


Jack: You bet I do.

Romi sagged back in her seat and put her phone in her purse, which was

resting on the passenger seat. She could have texted one of her friends, she

had a lot of them, but for some reason she’d always kept her love life to

herself. Okay, to herself and Jack. Maybe because he was the first one she

came out to. It wasn’t that her friends didn’t know or that they didn’t accept

her. Nothing could be further from the truth. It was just that her love life felt

a little bit sacred and private and she didn’t usually talk about it with

anyone. She’d always kind of thought that choosing one friend over another

to talk to would only create secrets and gossip and hurt feelings.

So, she always just ended up spilling to Jack. She knew he would accept

her, no matter what. If she needed an ear or a shoulder or someone to lean

on, he was always there. She knew that, no matter how much he liked to

bug her. That was just what brothers did.

She was physically tired from a day spent lifting and moving heavier

objects, cleaning and rearranging, but she was mentally exhausted as well.

Or maybe that fell under the emotionally spent category. Maybe it was all

of the above.