“No, it’s not…you don’t. You can’t…we didn’t plan this. It just kind of

happened and now—”

“Now everything you said before means nothing.”

A sigh of frustration escaped before she could smother it. “No. That’s not

what I meant.”

“Don’t worry.” Romi faked a smile. “I get it. Seriously. This was no

strings attached. Neither of us could help it. We both wanted to see what it

was between us. You’re not at a place where you have room for this in your

life. I’m not either. It was good though. Thank you.”

Kiera actually winced. She didn’t want Romi to thank her. What she

wanted was to kiss her tenderly, take her back to her house and spend time

with her. But she couldn’t do that. Romi was right. She wasn’t in a place in

her life where she needed this. She might want it, even though she

shouldn’t, but that was the terrible thing about reality. Reality wasn’t what

you wanted it to be. Even if she had the power to create it, could she

suddenly decide she was going to be brave enough to let someone into her

life and heart? It might cost her everything. Her family. Some of her

friends. She could be hurt again. Badly.

“Romi, I—”

“It’s okay. Really. We don’t have to talk about this. In fact, I think it

would be better if we didn’t talk about it again.”

“No, that’s not what—”

“If it’s okay, I’m going to go now.” Romi pushed away from the table.

She gave Kiera one last attempt at a brave smile that came out wobbly and

sad. “I’ll be back Monday, and don’t worry. I won’t be anything less than


She walked silently away, her head somehow held high against the pain

she felt. Pain Kiera caused. She never should have started this, whatever

this was. She shouldn’t have given in. She should have listened to her head,

not her heart. Maybe she could blame it on lust or messed up hormones, but