heart and the lingering pain of a failed relationship. She’d be risking a job

she actually liked. It was currently the only way she was paying her bills.

She risked more than that too. She risked other people at work finding out.

Not that she was afraid of being judged, she’d learn to live with what other

people thought and the fact that it wasn’t always kind, but she didn’t know

how Kiera would take it.

She hasn’t even told her family that her boyfriend isn’t real. Could Romi

actually trust Kiera? Kiera wasn’t expecti

ng this any more than she was. It

just happened. It took them both by surprise, but did that mean Kiera would

be brave enough to stand up for her? What about brave enough to stand up

for herself? To truly be herself?

Just one taste. Just allow yourself one small taste. You’ll regret it forever

if you don’t. Romi’s inner voice tormented her. Not every meaningful

interaction has to be a relationship. Sometimes doing what you want

because it feels good and it’s right without any expectations or strings can

be freeing.

All Romi’s protests fell away. She felt herself reaching out, cupping

Kiera’s delicate chin with her hand. She felt herself lean forward. She broke

through the hesitance and resistance, the fear and the pain. She didn’t have

far to go because they were already standing so close. She pressed her body

flush against Kiera’s and melted into her.

“Maybe, since we’re both scared, we can be scared together.” It was a

nice sentiment. Kiera’s breath was warm and minty against Romi’s cheek

and lips.

She already knew she was going to give in. Even if this was a bad

decision, it was hers to make. Whatever regrets that would come couldn’t

be as bad as this was good. If that made her weak, then Romi didn’t want to

be strong.

Her eyes slammed shut, her breath hitched, and she leaned all the way in.