
Kiera would have stopped. She would have gone for the tea cups or a tea

pot and pretended like it was all a misunderstanding. She would have, if she

would have seen warning or revulsion on Romi’s face. Instead, there was an

invitation there.

As blatant as the one that was on her own.

Chapter 13


Romi couldn’t have been any more confused if she tried. She felt the

entire world had shifted suddenly and gone crazy. Because Kiera was

approaching. Step by step. Getting closer. Closing the space between them.

She looked different. Her face was shadowed and her eyes were heavy.

Darker. Her lips were parted and her breathing had changed. It was uneven,

bordering on ragged.

I have to be dreaming this. Romi nearly gave her head a shake and

reached to pinch herself. Kiera couldn’t possibly be about to…make a move

on her. Except that shadow on her face really did look like desire. Romi

thought about Kiera kissing her. About her taking control. Pushing her

gently up against the table. Running her hands up her legs to spread them

for her… That image made Romi tremble. She had to put out a hand against

the table to keep from collapsing into a wilted heap of jellied goo.

“I…what are…?” Words completely failed Romi at the time that she

needed them most. So did her breath. She felt like she couldn’t actually get

her chest or contract, and her lungs with it, to save her soul.

“I don’t know,” Kiera whispered. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”


“I can’t stop it. If you tell me you want it too.”

“Want what?”

“I think we both know.”

Romi inhaled sharply. There her lungs went, finally expanding. “But