“I think it would be best to get a bucket to dump the leftover tea into and

then I’ll gather all the cups and pots into two separate boxes for washing.

I’ll wipe down everything and take the tablecloth and the cloth napkins to

the back for wash too.”

Kiera realized that Romi meant that she could do it all herself, and she

stepped forward too. “Let me help.”

“You’ve been here all day. You must be exhausted. Believe me. I can

clean this up. It’s only going to take me an hour.”


Romi inclined her head. “Okay. Well, I’ll go get the bucket for the tea,

then. I’ll even try not to spill all over the floor and table.” She laughed as

she walked off. Kiera had bemoaned the fact that the tables they were using

for the tea party had a collective price tag of over three thousand dollars and

hoped that there wouldn’t be many, or any, spills.

Kiera had to smile at Romi’s irreverent tone. She appreciated a good dry

joke. Throw in some good old sarcasm and it was even better.

Romi was back before Kiera could even gather up a few of the empty

cups. She started dumping out the old tea. It was so distracting that all Kiera

could do was blink and stare and pretend that she wasn’t. She couldn’t rip

her eyes away from Romi bending, her arm muscles flexing gently, her

dress dipping down low to reveal just the barest hint of the creamy, flawless

skin beneath the neckline.

Even before Kiera moved, she knew it was a bad idea. She just couldn’t

stop herself. She couldn’t keep whatever was building up in her at bay. It

was like the typical bubbling that has to boil over eventually. All that heat

couldn’t lay dormant forever without eventually spilling over.

Romi turned, as if sensing her. Kiera knew that as she approached, the

look on her face must have given her intentions away because Romi’s eyes

widened, then darkened. Her nostrils flared. She blinked but the confusion

didn’t clear. Then, a second later and another step closer, understanding