After the party was complete, Kiera, feeling bad that it was a Sunday and

that she’d had to ask her staff to come in at all, decided that she could

handle things on her own during the actual tea party. She had promised to

call Romi for cleanup. Not because she actually wanted to, since she didn’t

need any more hours of torture than she already endured, but Romi made

her promise. She wouldn’t hear of Kiera cleaning up everything by herself.

She’d actually gone so far as to say that she’d come in for free because she

wasn’t doing anything anyway, but Kiera, of course, dispelled that notion

with a promise of double overtime for any hours worked, as she’d


She’d fired off a text while the ladies were still looking at items, and

since Romi always seemed to have impeccable timing, she walked through

the front door right as Kiera was finishing ringing up the purchases.

Romi truly was a nice person, and she was great with people. She greeted

each of the ladies easily and wished them well as they were leaving. She

asked them about the tea party, the tea, their day, where they lived, what

they were doing for the rest of the day, if they needed any help to their cars

or to their rides that were coming. After the ladies filed out, Romi talked

with Maryanne. She wanted to hear all about how the tea parties worked.

She said that she liked tea and took a list from Maryanne with a promise to

check it out.

For her part, Kiera tried hard not to notice how vibrant, sincere, youthful,

and beautiful Romi looked. She was wearing a simple black dress that had

short cap sleeves, was tight on top, and flared out at the bottom. It was put

together with a simple, thin red belt for a splash of color. The dress

highlighted the fact that Romi was both tall and curvy and Kiera couldn’t

tear her eyes away from the swell of her breasts or from her long, shapely

legs. The black dress actually complimented Romi’s olive skin tone and her

dark hair. Her eyes blazed like twin emeralds as she threw back her head

and laughed with Maryanne.