on dates. Betty liked to travel whenever she could. She’d been to more

countries than Kiera could ever hope to see in her lifetime. Myrtle wasn’t as

wild as the other two ladies, but she was just as much help as the younger

guys. She had a big family and her greatest pleasure was spending time

with her children and grandchildren.

Kiera saw that as more of an older person thing to do. Relax. Read.

Watch TV. Hang out with family. As the tea party progressed and the

giggles got louder, the tittering happened more and more often, and the

jokes got dirtier and dirtier, Kiera realized how prejudiced and ignorant her

view of the later stages of life were. She’d thought that the people she

worked with were the exception. Life didn’t stop just because you were old

and couldn’t do all the things you could when you were younger. It might

be a different pace, but it was still exciting. It was still fun. People still told

jokes. People still wanted to get together and laugh.

Kiera leaned back behind the counter where she’d taken up residence

since the beginning of the tea party. Maryanne was a capable leader and had

things well under control, even in the makeshift setting. She talked for a

little bit about the benefits of tea and the different kinds of tea—white,

black, green, oolong, rooibos—then she let everyone make an informed

choice from lists she provided. They could sample the tea or have a whole

cup. She’d brought her own cream, sugar, milk, sweetener, almond milk,

coconut milk, and a few bottles of things Kiera had never even heard of.

“Harry likes to walk around the place naked. He pretends to be senile to

get away with it, but really, he just wants to show off his bits. He’s quite

proud of them.”

“Oh, sweet Jesus. If you think that’s bad, Oscar bumps into me at least

twice a week just to show me that his bits still work.”

“The nurses think we’ll break a hip if we start dating at our age…”

“Banging, you mean. They’re afraid that we’ll literally bang together and

that will be that. Hospitals, broken hips, heart attacks, you name it.”