“Thanks for that image.”

“It’s an apt comparison.”

“I’ll be sure to pull it out for Monday when I get back here, then.”

“Great. Did you find anything good today?”

“Yeah. The whole trailer is full.”

“I can’t wait to go through it when it gets here.” Wynn was practically

salivating as he rubbed his hands in anticipation. He pretty much lived and

breathed antiques. Kiera would be surprised if rust and dust didn’t run

through his veins instead of blood.

Monday. That left her four days to make peace with the fact that the most

beautiful, temping, probably intelligent, probably nice too, attractive,

tempting, woman was going to be working with her all day, every day.

She barely managed not to let out a groan of despair. The store was

supposed to be her safe place. Her happy place. Her. Place. It wasn’t

supposed to be a place of torture, where she had to hide herself away

because it was safer. For everyone.

Chapter 2


After a sleepless night spent worrying about the beautiful, athletic,

intimidating, pissed off woman who was her new boss, Romi decided to

broach the subject with Wynn, the older man who had interviewed, hired,

and was training her.

She waited until just after lunch, when the store was quieter and they

were able to get back up to one of the top floors to work on a display of

antique and vintage ornaments and household accessories.

Romi picked up a particularly grouchy, warty-looking ceramic toad and

smiled at its face. It was so ugly it was cute, like many antiques actually

were. Not ugly. No, that wasn’t the right word. More like…extremely

unique. She loved that about antiques. The fact that so many of them were

one of a kind.