any regret in her tone.

“I really like it.”

“Me too. It can stay right there until I find the right buyer.”

“How do you know when you find the right person?”

“I’ll know. And I don’t just mean that someone might be looking for one.

I want it to be someone who really cherishes it. Not just because it’s an

antique or something cool for them to have or because they have the money

to have it, but because it’s the right fit.”

Romi shivered. This was why Kiera was so magnificent. Because she

was basically a freaking alien. She was probably the only person Romi had

ever met who didn’t just care about the bottom line, at least business wise.

She had a passion. A passion for what she did, but also a passion for life.

Romi couldn’t say how she knew that, but she just did. She felt it. That

feeling hadn’t left her since the first time she saw Kiera. She just knew,

right from the first glance, that Kiera was different.

There was something about Kiera that was entirely captivating because

other people just didn’t have it. Something innate, a drive or a zest, or a

light, or something that Romi wanted to pick apart until she understood

what it was that drew her in.

Okay, so she didn’t want to just stop there. She wanted to know a heck of

a lot more about Kiera. She wanted to touch her skin in order to learn just

how soft and silky it was. She wanted to taste her lips, breathe her breath.

She wanted to know what Kiera sounded like in the height of passion. She

wanted to be the one to draw those little throaty gasps from her. Or maybe it

would be louder cries.

Horrified at what she’d just been thinking about, Romi was thankful that

she’d been looking at the carousel ride like she’d been thinking about it and

not about Kiera.

“Sorry. Just spaced out there for a second.” She laughed nervously, which

probably made everything seem even more awkward. Not that Kiera was