and shop after. She didn’t give me much notice, unfortunately. They want to

have it this Sunday, since the store is closed. Apparently, her venue

cancelled on her last minute.”

“So we get the dishes, the cups, the table and chairs, and everything else

is provided? Or are we making tea too?” Wynn asked with a wicked grin.

Kiera set her hands on her hips. “No, we will not be making tea. Just

exactly what you said. I know that most of you don’t work Saturdays, just

Myrtle and Betty, but I was wondering if anyone would be willing to come

in and help set up after hours? From around four until six or seven? It

would be a bonus on you paycheck. Two hundred dollars for those hours.

Don’t feel obligated, but if you’re willing, just come talk to me this


The door chimed in the background and Kiera started. Wynn whirled,

Betty and Myrtle moved automatically, and Romi stepped out of the

doorway. It seemed to her that Kiera’s shoulders sagged with relief when

both Philippe and Daniel told her that they could come in to help set up.

Wynn already had plans, but Kiera told him it was fine. The office cleared

out. Romi waited until everyone had gone before she stepped tentatively


Kiera sat down hard in her office chair and ran her hand over her already

slick, dark hair. It was a habit, Romi realized. Kiera probably did it when

she was overwhelmed. She looked a little flushed, and it wasn’t that hot in

the office. The building had central air installed, so it was perfectly cool in

the place.

“Hey,” Romi said softly. She edged towards the desk quite awkwardly.

She did have to smile when she spotted the giant carousel ride in the corner

of the office. “I’m glad it found a home.” She knew the guys had worked

hard to move it into the office the day before, but she hadn’t come to check

it out.

“It takes up the whole place.” Kiera stared at the thing, but there wasn’t