yesterday? Maybe Kiera hadn’t talked to him before this morning.

Her stomach was pinched tight with nerves, but she let out a wavering

breath when she got to the office and realized everyone was there. Philippe

and Daniel, Myrtle and Betty, Wynn, and Kiera. Sylvia had the day off so

she wasn’t there, but Kiera figured whatever the meeting was about, she

would probably be briefed whenever her next shift was. Or that she already

had been.

Kiera’s office wasn’t huge, and since there were already a lot of bodies in

there, Romi hovered next to the doorframe. She was the last person to get

there. Kiera stood at the head of the office. She was wearing a dark green

blouse and a pair of skinny black jeans. She’d also donned a set of knee

high black boots. It was probably the most dressed up Romi had ever seen

her. Since she’d been busy upstairs all day, she hadn’t seen Kiera. With her

hair swept back into a high pony tail and just enough makeup to illuminate

her huge eyes and sharp cheekbones, she was absolutely dazzling.

Romi slammed her eyes to the ground and angled her face towards the

hall, hiding whatever was probably on her face. Just because Jack could

read her didn’t mean that anyone else could, but she was taking zero


“I’ll make this short and sweet, seeing as the store is still open and

customers could walk in at any time.” Kiera glanced at the monitors set up

in her office as if to reassure herself that no one was currently in the store.

“I got a call about hosting a private tea party. Twenty people. They’re

mostly seniors, so it would be on the main floor, which works out well

because that’s where most of the furniture is anyway. There’s an organizer

for it already and she was the one who contacted me. She does this

professionally. They wanted to know if we could host it. While we haven’t

ever done anything like that before, I thought it was a good idea and a great

way to get more exposure for the store. Since we do have an elevator, we

could have someone manning it in case anyone wants to view the top floors