natural nurturer, she always tried to help with that. Of course, she knew that

she couldn’t really ever choose for another person or make them change,

but she kept going for the same type over and over.

Kiera wasn’t anything like those women. Kiera wasn’t like anyone Romi

had ever met. Kiera was her own person. She might be beautiful, like the

other women Romi dated, but she was confident and put together. She ran

her own business. She truly did captain her own ship or however that went

about people who knew how to direct their own life. She was a self-made

woman. She’d worked hard to make her own money and she’d taken on a

passion project instead of just riding into the freaking sunset and living the

easy life like some people would have. She was passionate. She truly cared.

She wasn’t just intelligent, she was also knowledgeable. In short, she was

incredible. The fact that she was older than her and Romi had always dated

women her age or slightly younger, just added to Kiera’s allure.

“You’re thinking about her, aren’t you?”

Romi knew that she couldn’t really deny it without Jack seeing straight

through her, so she just shook her head. “Whatever.” She closed the

dishwasher hard.

“You have to add soap to that.”

“That seems like a good task for you.” She smiled overly sweetly at her

brother. “And don’t tell anyone about my crush on my boss. Mom and dad

would just worry about me and Emily would freaking pester me for details

constantly. She’s hopelessly romantic and that really is hopeless. Even if

she was a lesbian, she’s still my boss and that doesn’t work out. Ever.”

“You know my lips are always sealed with your secrets, but keep an open

mind. Like I said. Not everyone is all bad. You’ve just been lucky enough to

pick the rotten apples out of the barrel.”

“They’ve been really rotten, but maybe that’s my fault too. I’m the one

who keeps picking them and not learning.”

“Maybe you need to go online. Try that. Or I could ask around and see if