that she’s…yeah. Plus, she has a boyfriend. It’s not even like she’s single.

And if she was, she still wouldn’t be a lesbian.”

“I’m sorry, sis.” Jack tucked the last plate in and started arranging the

silverware into the dishwasher’s utensil holder. “You’ll meet someone great.

I promise. Someone who treats you like you deserve to be treated and

someone who really does appreciate you. You’ve had shit luck so far, but

don’t let that deter you.”

“That’s easy for you to say. You met the love of your life on your second

freaking try.”

“Amy is great. You’re right. I am absolutely the luckiest man alive and I

very well know it.”

“I can’t believe you’re getting married. I mean, I can believe it. I’m

happy for you guys. I can’t wait for the wedding! It will be the best

wedding ever, in the history of the whole freaking world.”

“Don’t worry.” Jack slipped in the rest of the forks and knives. “It’s

natural to be jealous. I’d be jealous of me too. I’m extremely good looking,

intelligent, wickedly talented, athletic, and my wife-to-be is hella beautiful

and talented in every way.”

Romi rolled her eyes, but she snickered softly too. She reached for the

bowls and pulled out the dishwasher’s top tray. “Humility is clearly your

best trait.”

“Okay, so I might only be half of those things, but the universe smiled on

me and sent Amy my way and I know that I’m a damn lucky man. There

are good people out there. If you shutter yourself off because of bad

experiences, you’ll never meet them though.”

“So I should just try harder?”

“Maybe not harder. Maybe smarter.”

Romi thought about that. Maybe Jack was right. She did tend to date

women who weren’t overly nice. She even knew that at the start. They were

pretty, though. They didn’t have their shit together, and since she was a