so tired of being the one who gets left behind. Used. Whatever label you

want to put on that. I’m just done with all of it.”

“Don’t be so hard on love.” Jack pushed past her with the last plate. He

scraped it then opened up the dishwasher as Romi stepped back. “It does

work out. Sometimes. When you meet the right person. You just haven’t

met that person yet. The women you meet are all turds. I’d like to give them

a piece of my mind and be the overprotective brother, especially when they

are hurting you, but since they’re women, it would probably look pretty bad

if I tried to kick their ass.”

“Thanks,” Romi responded dryly, but she did feel better.

Jack had the same dry sense of humor she did. He just got her. He always

had. That’s why they were still so close. She had a few close friends, but no

one was closer than Jack. Some people might think it was weird, since he

was her brother, but those people could take a freaking hike.

“So there really is someone?”

Romi sighed and bent to arrange plates into the dishwasher’s bottom

rack. Jack clearly wasn’t going to give up. “There is someone,” she

admitted reluctantly. “But she’s…yeah, she’s not a lesbian. You’re right.

She’s beautiful, though. Strong. Smart. Sexy. She runs the show.”

“So she’s your boss?”

“Yeah.” Romi tucked another plate beside the first. “She’s my boss.”

Jack let out a low whistle. “Jeez. You better work on your poker face.

Never let that one get out.”

“Okay, thanks, Mr. Obvious. I’ll take that into consideration and tuck it

right next to the fact that of course I would never let it get out.”

“But she could read your face.”

“No, she couldn’t. But I did let it out that I was a lesbian. She wasn’t

weirded out. She’s a businesswoman. She’s classy. She’s smart. She didn’t

freak out and think she was in danger of getting hit on or whatever. Like

some people do. She was totally professional. She has no idea that I think