Romi was right. As soon as dinner was over, Jack made sure he was put

on kitchen duty with her while everyone else went back to the deck to relax

and work off the massive meal with good conversation and lots of laughter.

“What’s up? You’re being weird,” Jack said as he scraped a dirty plate

into the trash below the sink.

Romi turned, pushing food around on the plates instead of scraping it all

off into a centralized one to be dumped. “No, I’m not. What are you talking


“Outside. When you were talking about work. You got all red. Right

here.” Jack cut into her line of vision and poked a finger into her cheek. She

pulled away in annoyance.

“You’re such an ass,” she grumbled.

“That might be true, but you know I’m right, which is why you’re getting

all defensive right now.”

“I’m getting defensive because I don’t like to have your dirty finger stuck

in my face.”

“That might also be true, but you’re blushing again. I can tell the

difference between pissed off anger and regular blushes. So, what’s going

on? Is there someone hot there?”


“So there is.”


“So there is, but she’s straight.”

Romi picked up a plate, dodged past Jack and started scraping into way

too forcefully into the trash. Even she winced when the fork grated against

the poor plate. “I’m not talking about this. It’s none of your business.”

“But you’ve always talked to me about this. More than you’ve ever

talked to Emily or, god forbid, Mom and Dad.”

Romi shuddered. The plate was empty, so she grabbed another and did a

less forceful job. “I just…you know what happened with Michelle. I’m just