parents really wanted her to go into business or education or something that

was employable after, but she chose what she really wanted to do, what she

was passionate about and good at, and they supported her like they always


“You’ll get there,” Deb said. She rose from her chair. “It just takes time,

like everything else. I’m sure that there’ll be something for you to work


“As a volunteer,” Jack snickered.

“That’s enough of that,” Deb said playfully. “For that, you can come in

here and mash these potatoes and then start chopping vegetables for the


“Meat’s going to be done in twenty,” their dad cut in, snapping his tongs


“I can’t do that,” Jack complained. “Amy and I have an announcement to


The entire deck fell silent. Their mom swayed on her feet a little while

their dad’s tongs finally fell silent. Emily cleared her throat.

“Unless that drink is virgin, which I know it’s not because I know mom

dumped in like half a bottle of vodka into the thing, please tell me you’re

not expecting a baby.”

Amy went ten shades of red, but Jack just shook his head, laughing. “Of

course we’re not. And, of course, if we were, Amy wouldn’t be drinking

that. Jesus, Emily.”

“Okay, okay.” Emily backed down with a shrug. “Sorry. That was a shitty


“Yes. Very. You nearly ruined our announcement. This is supposed to be

special. And surprising. And joyful. You guys are going to be stuck with

Amy for life. We’re getting married.” That was just Jack. No lead up. No

preamble. He just stood there and blurted out their happy news.

While it wasn’t exactly a surprise, because Jack and Amy had been