“I might not, but I do believe in fun. You should try having some


“I might. One day. Just not with someone I work with.”

Shane left her alone for a few blocks, but as they neared the subdivision

where his mom lived, he turned to her, actually serious for a change. “I

won’t bug you about it until the next time I see you, but in exchange, can

you please look like I didn’t just shit and piss in your cereal this morning?”

Kiera fake gagged. “You are truly foul, you know that?” She couldn’t

help but smile though, which was exactly what Shane wanted. “I’ll put on

my game face. Just for you.”

Shane winked at her. “And also for you.”



Shane took the next red light opportunity to put out his fist. She knew he

wouldn’t leave her alone until she bumped it. Even though she didn’t want

to. She did it anyway. There were a lot of things she did that she didn’t want

to do. And a lot of things that she did want to do that she didn’t. What was

one small fist bump in the clusterfuck of things that was her personal life


Chapter 9


Romi loved a good barbeque, and one at her parent’s house was even

better. Her dad was a barbeque king. There wasn’t anything he couldn’t

cook. She was excited to see Jack and Emily, her brother and sister, and

Jack’s girlfriend, Amy.

After giving her feet a break all Saturday, she was able to slip the poor,

blistered things into her flip flops, don a red cotton sun dress, and drive

herself twenty minutes to her parents’ house on Sunday afternoon.

Her parents purchased the house a few years ago. It wasn’t a new build,

but it was new enough. It was constructed in the late nineties and hadn’t