there now.”

“This is the part where you apologize.” Shane took a right hand turn too

tight and fast, as he also liked to do, then grinned at her.

He had a nice smile. That smile could and did cause panties to melt off.

To her, though, it was just flashing white teeth in a nice looking face. Shane

might be like an annoying little brother, but he’d also come to be a good

friend. He was safe. He might not be overly nice as far as the rest of the

world saw him, but she knew better. A lot of his confidence was just a farce

to cover up for the pain and insecurity he kept away inside. She knew it

because she was no different. They had a lot in common, which was one of

the reasons they actually got along.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly, and meant it. “I do have some things going

on. Something I didn’t expect. Someone I didn’t expect. I’m not going to do

anything about it.”

“Why not do something about it?” Shane waggled his brows. They were

perfectly groomed, just like the rest of his chiselled face and stacked body.

He was definitely a ten in most women’s books.

“I can’t. You know that.”

“Can’t or won’t?”

“Both. I work with her. You were right.”

“So the can’t is because she’s not a lesbian?”

“No. She is.”

“What?” Shane pounded the wheel. “That’s crazy. You should do

something. You deserve it. Break the dry streak. Literally.”

“You’re so gross.”

“I could find you at least ten women who would beg to differ.”

“Well, that’s great for you. Can we just drop it? I’m not going to do

anything. We work together, and I’m done with that. I’m done taking

chances. You don’t believe that romance and love and relationships can

work. I don’t either. Let’s just leave it at that.”