her family a long time ago. She hated that her fear of losing them was

greater than the pain that lying to them caused her. She didn’t like what that

said about her, or who it made her, when it came right down to it.

She also didn’t like that by now Shane knew her well enough to know

when something was wrong. When she was off.

“Yeah, okay,” she muttered. Oddly and ironically enough, Shane was one

of the only people she was fully honest with. There wasn’t any point in

trying to lie, and she didn’t have to, so she didn’t bother with it.

“You’re off your game,” he stated, unwilling to let the matter drop. The

fact that what he said was so close to what she’d just thought made her skin

prickle. Shane was like an annoying younger brother. She’d never had one,

but that’s actually how she thought of him. Which made kissing him and

holding his hand even worse.

“I-I’ll figure it out.” She didn’t sound convincing, even to her own ears.

Shane studied her openly as soon as they pulled up to another light. Kiera

practically squirmed in her seat. She wished he’d stop looking at her like

that. Like he could see straight through her. She hated feeling transparent.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she insisted grouchily.

“You’re frowning. You look like you’re seriously pissed to have to go to

this dinner. My mom is going to be hurt. She’ll question me endlessly if she

thinks you don’t like me.”

“I know. Sorry.”

“What’s wrong with you tonight? You’re never like this.”

Kiera gave him a grin that was probably pretty scary. “Is this better?”

“Fuck no.” Shane shuddered. He glanced at the light, then back at her.

“Holy shit. It’s finally happened.”

“What’s happened?” Kiera’s stomach plummeted to the floor.

“You met someone. Someone you actually like.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Someone who must have been in your path, since you wouldn’t have