Kiera stared at her dubiously. “Whatever you want,” she relented. “Just

be sure to actually do it. At least soak them when you get home. If you

don’t take care of this, you’re not going to be able to walk properly for


“I’ll be in tip top shape for Monday. I promise.”

“I’m not worried about that.” Kiera ducked her head and started

wrapping white gauze around Romi’s left foot, stung that Romi obviously

thought she was some kind of ogre. Although, had she tried hard not to

make that impression?

Kiera focused on Romi’s feet. That seemed the safest bet. She had nice

feet. Slender and narrow. Delicate. Painted pink toe nails which were

perfectly groomed. Of course her feet are prefect. Just like her. Damn it!

She made quick work of the bandages, and when she offered her hand

and Romi’s fingers closed around her palm, she told herself that the buzz

that swept through her was just light headedness because she hadn’t drank

enough water and it was a typical hot as heck July summer day. She

couldn’t quite explain away the dull ache that bloomed in her belly or the

throbbing lower, so she made herself concentrate on helping Romi into the


“I’ll pay for the boots,” Romi said softly when Kiera slipped into the

truck. Her green eyes were huge, like wet, shiny emeralds. It made Kiera’s

chest hurt all over again to see them flooded with tears.

“Don’t worry. They were old. I just kept them back there as a spare set

and I haven’t worn them in over a year.”

“Still, though. I ruined them.”

“Wasn’t your fault.” Kiera put the truck in gear, backed up in the

farmyard expertly, and headed back down the driveway.

“It was. I should have said something.”

“I agree. But you didn’t, and it wasn’t like they were priceless. Lesson

learned. Now, what’s your address? I’ll put it in the GPS and I can drop you