going to take more than a couple bandages here and there. Luckily I have a

first aid kit in the back of the truck.”

“With sterile spray that stings really badly?”

“Yeah. I have rubbing alcohol and a few other things in there. I’ve

stabbed myself with rusty nails and cut and stabbed myself with all sorts of

stuff during picks. I have pretty much everything back there imaginable.”

“Great. I can’t wait.”

Kiera ignored Romi’s dry tone. Of course no one wanted to think about

rubbing alcohol being poured all over their shredded, bloody flesh. “It kind

of looks like you walked halfway across the country in these shoes. Why

didn’t you say that they were big?”

“I thought they’d be fine. And I didn’t want to be a pain.”

“I should have just let you wear the sneakers. I would have if I had

known this was going to happen. A nail in the foot would have hurt far


Looking at those feet with all the blisters and skin rubbed away and all

that blood made Kiera’s own feet hurt. Her stomach hurt. Her chest hurt

too. Because it was all she could do not to try to comfort and soothe Romi,

and it wouldn’t stop there. What she really wanted to do was take her into

her arms and banish that ache. She could never do that. She shouldn’t even

be having those thoughts about anyone. She’d already decided, a long time

ago, that she’d learned her lessons when it came to anything related to the

heart. Her empty, wounded heart.

“I’d have been down for that, but I guess hindsight really is twenty-

twenty like they say.” Romi’s lips wobbled into a smile, even as her eyes

filled up with tears and panic flooded her face when Kiera moved off to the

truck to get the first aid kit and rubbing alcohol.

“Maybe you should just bandage it and I’ll wash it off at home. And then

apply the rubbing alcohol. I think that would be the best plan. It’s not

actually unsanitary so…”