because this was supposed to be a business thing and Kiera seemed like

someone who wasn’t willing to take any nonsense from anyone, especially

not when she was trying to get to work.

“I…do you think he’ll give us better prices if I flirt with him a little?”

“Definitely. But please don’t.” Kiera rolled her eyes. “And I’d get your

lunch out of the fridge, if I were you. I wouldn’t eat it either.”

“Why?” Romi’s eyes widened.

“I just wouldn’t leave my food around people I don’t know. Kind of the

same as drinks. You know. To be safe.”

“Oh.” Romi let out a breath. “You think he put date rape drugs in it.”

“I don’t,” Kiera insisted, but her lips twitched at the corners. “If you

asked him to come out here, he’d probably be in a better mood. He liked

you. I could tell.”

“Does that annoy you?” Damn it, why did I say that? “Never mind. I

could tell it did. Because you were trying to focus. Flirting always annoys

me too. Especially at work. And in school. Yeah. I just think it’s not very

appropriate. And, like, blatantly checking out someone’s boobs is a little

much when someone isn’t at a bar and said boobs are fully covered up.”

Great. Now I’m rambling like a crazy person.

Kiera turned away, but not before Romi saw her lips twitch again. In

amusement, she thought.

Romi made quick work of retrieving Allen, and her lunch bag.

Surprisingly, Allen actually didn’t care about any of the stuff in the barn,

and when Kiera went through their finds and suggested a price, he agreed to

it right away, even though Romi thought it was pretty rock bottom. Kiera

obviously was leaving room to negotiate. Allen didn’t really even look at

the pile. He pretty much just stared at Romi’s boobs the whole time, which

she half expected. It still kind of grossed her out. He didn’t even look

apologetic about it after. Instead, he grinned at her like he’d like to ask her

for her number, but instead just give them a salute, accepted the wad of cash