smooth in spots, so smooth that it felt almost like silk.

“How old do you think it is?”

“Honestly, probably early nineteen hundreds. It’s hard to tell just looking

at it. If we could get Allen to sell it to us, I could have someone look at it or

try to find a manufacturer or date on it somewhere.”

“It looks heavy.”

“It is heavy. We’d have to lift it out past all the piles of stuff.”

“Or make a path.”

“Or make a path,” Kiera agreed, retracting her hand.

She was stunning when she was like this. Unguarded. Not frowning at

someone like she wanted to make them magically disappear. She was still

magnificent, but she wasn’t so intimidating. Romi wondered what Kiera

would look like when she was truly smiling or laughing.

“I’m sure we could get it out together. I could clear a path and then we

could try pushing or lifting it.”

“I have a dolly to help carrying the heavier things. It’s in the trailer, but I

don’t know if we could or should get this on there. It might ruin it or make a

divot in the wood.”

“Okay, well…pushing and shoving, then? It looks heavy. Too heavy to


“It might be lighter than we think.”

“I’m not leaving it here,” Romi decided. “Although, maybe we should

ask Allen if he’ll sell it first, before we go to all that work. I could go get

him to come look at the pile we’ve already made.”

“That’s a good idea,” Kiera agreed, but there was an edge to her voice

that Romi was sure she wasn’t imagining.

“You don’t….do you think Allen’s kind of a little bit, uh, kind of blatant

in his checking us out?” she whispered.

Kiera’s eyes flashed. “Yeah. I do think so. But a lot of guys are like that.”

She shrugged like it didn’t bother her, but Romi could tell it did. Probably