roof that provided the most light, but it was at the other end of the barn. The

space was fully illuminated by the few glass windows at the sides that

weren’t covered up with piles of junk, and by all the cracks and crevices.

She didn’t want to just whip the cover off, since she figured it would

choke them both with all that dust flying everywhere, so she worked it off


“Oh!” Romi exclaimed when she finally registered what she was staring

at. “It’s a carousel horse. Except it’s not a horse.”

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Kiera sighed.

Her face was more serene and whimsical than Romi had ever seen it.

More at peace. She was utterly breathtaking when she wasn’t frowning and

Romi felt her stomach cramp. The hair on the backs of her arms stood on

end as her skin turned into a mess of goosebumps.

“It is.” The horse that wasn’t a horse actually had a top that looked like a

goldfish with a huge green mermaid tail that curled around. Most of the

paint had been worn away, but there were enough flakes to be able to tell

what the original colors had been.

Kiera walked over and ran a hand over the wood saddle. She caressed it

so lovingly that it made Romi’s mouth go completely dry. Or maybe that

was because Kiera was so close that Romi could literally feel the heat

radiating off her skin. The delicate, feminine smell from the truck had faded

to be replaced by something raw and primal. Romi never thought sweat

would be a turn-on, but she was wrong. It wasn’t a bad smell. Not like day

old BO that thickened a room. Kiera didn’t smell gross. She smelled just…

more intense. It did something to her hormones, sent them spiralling out of

control and into overdrive, and all of a sudden she found herself reaching


She stopped herself from covering Kiera’s hand with her own at the last

second and instead placed it on the wooden head. The wood was warm

from the sunlight seeping through the cracks in the barn. It was worn