Allen, because yes, she could be charming too.

His eyes dropped from her mouth to her chest in about two seconds.

They quickly flickered back up and the guy’s cheeks actually turned a little

bit pink when it was obvious that she’d noticed what he’d done.

“Sure. Great. Go ahead. I’ll just be at the house. Just ring the bell


“Okay. Thank you again for letting me put my lunch in your fridge.”

Allen’s eyes darted straight to Romi’s behind when she turned to face the

barn. Kiera resisted the urge to deck the guy in the face. He was just being a

guy. It wasn’t his fault Romi was killer hot in a pair of tight skinny jeans. It

wasn’t his fault that she could basically induce drool in just about anyone

who looked at her for more than a few seconds. Which would be everyone

on earth, because Romi was that kind of pretty. You couldn’t help but stare

at her.

Still. It pissed Kiera off. It made her feel far less than charitable.

“See you in a few hours then.” Kiera gave a nod and then she took off

towards the barn.

Romi trailed after her. She actually overtook her at the end and Kiera had

to drop her eyes down to the overgrown grass at her knees to keep from

staring where Allen had been looking as Romi tugged the door open. She

had to give it a few tries. Kiera was practically grinding her teeth and telling

herself to just freaking breathe by the time the thing came loose.

Kiera had been through this before. The attraction. The falling. Even the

times she thought she’d been in love. In the end, it was always the same. It

didn’t work. Love always fell apart. It became trivial and petty and spiteful.

It became about what one person could get out of the other. A game of

transactions. Even if Romi was available, which she definitely wasn’t, there

was no way she was going to open herself up to that kind of hurt again.

When Romi turned to flash her a thumbs-up, her excitement making her

look even prettier, Kiera charged ahead, ready to get to work. It was the