looked Romi up and down appreciatively and gave her a pretty smile. He

was quite pretty himself. Square jaw, rugged features, athletic build. Romi

smiled back in apparent appreciation of the guy’s blond hair and blue eyes.

She turned and waved to Kiera before she followed him inside, swinging

her lunch bag at her side.

Keira slipped out of the truck, grinding her teeth. She was pissed off at

the possibility that Romi found the guy attractive. She was pissed at the

thought of her fliting with him in that little farmhouse. Most of all, it pissed

her off that she was pissed off at all. She shouldn’t be mad. She shouldn’t

be jealous. She shouldn’t be anything.

As quickly as Romi and Allen disappeared, they soon reappeared. They

walked over to the truck, both of them all smiles.

“Are you ready?” Romi asked, eagerness dripping in her tone.

“The barn’s right over there,” Allen pointed out.

“Great.” Kiera clapped her hands together, pretending to be enthused.

She was excited. She loved picks. Usually. Today, not so much. At the

moment, she was seriously annoyed. With herself. “I usually just go in and

take a look. I do some sorting. That might take me quite a few hours. Then I

usually come to get you, and we can do some negotiating on prices.”

“Is that where I tell you what I want to get for the stuff and you offer me


Bravo. You’ve done your homework watching shit shows on TV that are

not at all representative of reality. Kiera bristled, but she was careful not to

let her annoyance show. “I try to make sure everyone gets a fair price. I

know what I can pay for things and still make a business out of it. That said,

I understand that things can have a sentimental value, or if you were to sell

them yourself you can could often cut out the middle man and make more

money, so if you don’t want to sell something, I completely understand. I’m

here on your property and it’s really kind of you to call us and let us take a

look. I appreciate just having the opportunity.” She smiled and blinked at