Kiera tensed. She happened to love barns herself. There really wasn’t

anything like an old barn to get her excited. She loved pretty much all

things ancient, and that extended to architecture. Often, the rougher the

better. Rustic farmhouses and tumble down barns were ri

ght up her alley.

Just because she owned a house in the suburbs, a new build in a new

neighborhood, didn’t mean that she always would. She just wasn’t ready to

have to commute a couple hours every single day just to get to the city then

try to venture through the traffic after that, all to get to the store. Not now,

but one day…

“That must be the guy?” Romi pointed through the windshield.

“Yeah. Allen.” She put the truck in park and swivelled around, reaching

into the backseat. “Here.” She basically chucked her spare set of boots at

Romi. They were filthy, caked with mud on the bottom, and not pretty, but

Romi took them without hesitation.

“I’m so excited!” she said again. She untied the first boot and slipped it

on, without socks. Why wasn’t she wearing socks? Kiera winced. Hiking

boots and no socks didn’t usually mesh well, especially if they were the

wrong size. “Oh, they fit great!” Romi slipped into the other, then looked at

Kiera hopefully. “Do you think Allen would be nice enough to let me put

my lunch in his fridge? I packed a tuna sandwich and I thought that it might

get hot in the car.” Kiera barely stifled a sigh. “Never mind, here he comes.

I’ll ask him.” Romi threw open her door and basically flew out of the truck.

She was wearing skinny jeans and the work t-shirt Kiera gave her the day

before with the store’s logo across the front. It was too big, and Romi had

tied it into a tight knot off to the front left side. It emphasized her breasts

and showed off a scrap of creamy skin between her jeans and the hem of the


Kiera ground her teeth in frustration. Get a freaking grip.

Allen, who was about thirty, didn’t look like he wanted to get a grip. He