course, followed up with a deep burn even lower.

“So you are looking for other jobs.”

“I guess that I am, but jobs in what I studied are pretty hard to come by.

They’re usually part time and temporary, for the length of a production or

even shorter, just to get everything ready for it. Usually they want

experience. I should have studied something that was more useful, but I

loved it so much. I’ve always had this thing for drama and for clothes. I’m

mostly just working on passion projects outside of work right now. Don’t

worry. I’m not going to take off and just abandon you guys.”


Kiera let that drop and the truck lapsed back into silence. Oddly enough,

it wasn’t uncomfortable. She was uncomfortable. Her body was a traitor.

Other than that, it wasn’t strained.

Soon enough, Kiera spotted her exit and they turned off down a gravel

road. She continued down that road for a few miles before she spotted the

green house with the giant cedar barn she’d been looking for. Sure enough,

there was an ancient yellow tractor parked off to the side of the head of the

driveway, just like Allen, the owner, said.

He’d actually inherited the property from his late mom, who hadn’t

cleaned out anything after his dad passed away a few years before she did.

Allen was now at a loss as to what to do with a barn full of what he thought

was just useless junk. He’d emailed her, which was nice. It was always

great when the picks came to her. She’d literally been shot at once, trying to

approach an ancient old farm yard to ask if anything was for sale. Most

other times, people were either rude, cautious, or outright welcoming. There

wasn’t a lot of in between. Sometimes they were offended when she asked

to buy their stuff. Other times, they were intrigued or outright relieved to

have it taken off their hands so unexpectedly and conveniently.

“Wow. Look at that barn!” Romi breathed. She pointed, like the huge,

weathered building wasn’t rising up right in front of the truck.