“A hiccup?”

“A hiccup. Sometimes hiccups teach us a lot. Sometimes they’re actually

really more helpful than they are painful. I could be standoffish and make


ou prove to me that you love me, but that’s not what love is. Love is

making a decision to trust. I want to make that decision. I believe you. I

don’t want to spend any more time without you. I feel it too. Magic. Love.”


Romi could only nod. She did what she’d been longing to. She hurtled

into Kiera and let her wrap her arms around her shoulders. She inhaled her

fresh, familiar scent. She wrapped her arms tight around Kiera too and

clung to her. Then she claimed Kiera’s lips and kissed her like she’d never

get another chance. She kissed her until they were both gasping for air.

Until they were both smiling and laughing.

“Will you come in?” Kiera glanced at the door. “I was actually just about

to make dinner. And by dinner, I don’t really mean dinner, since we always

seem to somehow skip that.”

Romi laughed. Magic. Yes, that was a good word to use. “Dinner-not-

dinner sounds great.”



Two years could pass by like it’s only a matter of a couple days, or two

years could feel like an eternity. In a really great way.

The years could be filled with smiles and laughter, with learning, joy,

love, wonderment, and brand new experiences each and every single day.

Kiera looked back on the past two years she’d spent with Romi and was

amazed at how much they’d both grown. They’d grown together.

Sometimes they had to push through with sheer will and determination, but

most of the time, it was easy. It was easy to love Romi. She was the most

wonderful woman on the entire planet. It wasn’t a hard decision to get