you know that you’re loved and cherished. I know that all I’ve done is

cause you pain and that I’m always the one trying to leave, but I promise, I

will never push you away again.”

“That’s not all you’ve ever done.” Romi’s eyes flicked away briefly

before they came back to Kiera’s. “You really want to try again?” Romi was

so close to giving in.

“Yes. Try. Every single day. Every minute of that day.”

“Relationships aren’t just happy moments. That’s not reality. I don’t

expect that. I don’t want you to hide yourself. I want to be there for you.

Always. I just need to know that you’ll have my back too, because I have

my own moments. I’m not perfect either. I need to know that this is real.

Not just, like, a fad or something. A phase. Something you decided over

night that you’re going to roll with.”

“I’m not going to change my mind. Ever. Not about who I am. Not about


“But it’s so early.”

“I know. I used to use that as an excuse to tell myself that what I felt

couldn’t possibly be real because it happened fast, but I think that when you

finally realize you’re in love, you fight for it, and you let it grow. That’s the

healthy thing to do. Not shut it out or pretend it doesn’t exist or rationalize

it away.”

“So you’re certain? That you want this? That you want me?”

“More certain than anything. I just want to try again. However that looks

for you. As slow or as fast as it goes. As long as it takes. I promise I won’t

ever give up on us again.”

“I don’t know that you really gave up. I think it was just a slight hiccup.”

Romi couldn’t put up a tough front anymore. Not when Kiera was being

open and sincere. She was putting her heart out there, placing it in Romi’s

hands, and that was not an easy thing to do. In fact, it might just about be

one of the hardest things anyone could ever do.