also because she was willing to try to deal with Wade. Try being the key

word. Kiera would give the retro loving, far too pretty and perky, bubbly

new hire another point if she could actually deal with the guy for more than

a few minutes.

Keira cleared her throat. “Sure. If you want to try to deal with Wade, you

can try to deal with Wade. I decided we’d do the trailers starting tomorrow.

I’ll just be in my office working on lining up some new picks and following

up on some leads. There’s an auction at the end of the week that I didn’t

know about. It’s over past Minneapolis, so I’m going to look into that.”

“Sounds good.” Romi’s smile lasted for all of two seconds before she

turned almost frantically to Wynn. “What’s Wade coming for? Can you

please debrief me as fast as you can so that I’m semi-prepared to deal with


Kiera walked away, grinning to herself, before she had a chance to hear

Wynn’s response. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from busting out

with a loud laugh that she had no doubt Romi and Wynn would both hear.

She made a note to hurry it up with the paperwork. The store had a security

system set up with cameras throughout. She’d keep a close eye on the door,

and on Wade, until she was sure she could creep up somewhere unseen and

listen to what promised to be the most entertaining thing she’d likely

encounter all week.

With any luck, Romi would dig her own grave and quit before her two-

week trial period was even up. If a few more Wades ended up in her path,

she just might. By the time Kiera hit her office and locked herself in, she

already had a plan half formulated. She didn’t really want Romi to quit, but

she didn’t trust having her around either. She could still feel the traitorous

throbbing south of the border from just a glance and a simple handshake.

Romi would indeed likely weed herself out if given a series of tasks that

made her realize this wasn’t the job for her.

Later, after the Wade shit show went down, she’d find Wynn and have a