Her parents had been through their fair share of hardship, but they were

still together, and when they looked at each other, it was very apparent that

they cared about each other deeply. Not because they were from an age

where people just didn’t get divorced or because they’d learned to just live

with each other and bear it, but because they truly loved each other and that

love was very real. It was possible.

It was possible for everyone if they worked at it.

Kiera fell back into another tight hug with her mom. She closed her eyes

and inhaled deeply.

Maybe it was even possible for her. Wynn seemed to think it was, and

he’d been right about her parents. Maybe she could make it possible for

herself. If she fought. If she opened her heart and let down her guard and

just let herself be truly vulnerable. If she truly learned what it was to let

love in.

Chapter 27


“I’m sorry, miss, but this check has actually been cancelled.”

Romi stared at the bank teller. She was an older woman with grey hair,

big cat eye glasses, and a neon green blouse. She had the friendliest, kindest

face, and at the moment, she was looking at Romi like something terrible

had just happened and she had to deliver the awful news.

“Oh.” Romi reached out and took the check that Pearl—that’s what her

nametag said at least—was handing back to her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t


“That’s quite alright. I see that it’s a business name on the top. It’s

probably just a mistake. I’d just go and talk to them. These things

sometimes happen.”

“Thank you.” Romi tucked the check back into her vintage, hand tooled

leather purse. She couldn’t pretend that she wasn’t confused, but she forced

a smile anyway. “Thank you.”