“I guarantee that when the things from your childhood become actual

antiques, you’re old.”

“Some of the things I played with and loved as a kid are now vintage.

What does that make me?”

“Old enough,” Wynn laughed. “But young enough to have your whole

life ahead of you; you should know that you can’t just throw it all away.”

“I’m not throwing anything away.”

“Good. Let me know what she says after you talk to her. If you can

convince her to come back to work here, that would make my job a heck of

a lot easier.”


He winked at her and unfolded himself out of the chair. Wynn always

made a production of shaking out his joints and stretching, even though he

really didn’t have a creaky bone in his body.

“I’m just kidding. But in all seriousness, everything is going to be fine. I

promise. People will either come around or they won’t, but I guarantee that

your parents will always love you. I’ll always be here for you too. And

generally, when there’s something special between two people, it endures

through just about anything, including fear and uncertainty.”

Kiera watched Wynn walk out of her office. He shut the door behind him

tightly. She was fine with letting him have the last word. Actually, she was

really thankful that he’d come in and said everything he had.

She just needed that one final push when she was already teetering at the

edge, that kind reassurance, those arm she knew would always be open. It

hurt her to think that Romi had been that for her too. Why couldn’t she just

have leapt before it was too late?

Maybe Wynn was right.

Maybe it wasn’t truly too late.

Chapter 26
