business. Employees. That I’d lose friends.”

“And that fear is worth living in secrecy? Creating a life that’s a lie?

Letting someone go who was special to you?”

“I don’t know!” Kiera wailed. “I don’t have any answers to that. Every

single time I think I’m brave enough to say fuck it to the consequences, I

find out I’m not. I am scared. Does that make me a terrible person? Does

not wanting to lose my family and support system and the business that I’ve

worked so hard to build make me horrible?”

“Of course not,” Wynn said patiently. “But I think that it is incredibly

hard on you and I don’t think that you can keep on going like you are. I

think you’re at a crossroads, or at least at a point where you’re going to

have to make some real changes in order to make yourself happy and keep

yourself sane. And for the love of god, go and get Romi back. Beg. Tell her

you’re sorry. Be genuine. Mean it. Because letting her go is going to be the

biggest regret of your life. I know, because I faced the same decision. I

didn’t want Betty to have to suffer because of me, so I tried to break it off

with her, but she wouldn’t let me. I tried real hard too, but she wouldn’t

hear of it. She set me straight and I never once regretted it after, even when

things were tough, and they were for a while.”

“The good things in life are always worth fighting for. Can you get any

more cliché?”

“I know for a fact I could. And it might sound old hat or old fashioned or

even clichéd, as you call it, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s true.”

“So I should just tell them and hope for the best?”

“I think you’re going to have to. Trust in them. Give them some credit.

Would they raise you and love you for all these years and spend all this time

caring about and nurturing you just to tell you that they don’t want to have

anything to do with you? It might be awkward and it might be hard, but I

think not telling them is ultimately going to be just another big regret for

you. Don’t pile those up. Once they’re done and piled up and you’ve