
“That’s the problem.” Kiera cradled her head in her hands. She couldn’t

look at Wynn anymore. “If I told them that I’m in love with a woman, that

I’ve always been attracted to women, that I’ve spent years and years lying

to them, they’d be so disappointed. Half because I lied, and half because I

am who I am and I’m never going to be the conventional person who has a

conventional family. I tried. I’ve tried so many times to tell them. You have

no idea what they said this weekend. Dad said that gay marriage isn’t


Wynn leaned forward and stacked his hands on the lip of the desk. His

face was so patient and kind that Kiera wanted to weep

. How long had he

known? Had he always known? Had he just figured it out? Obviously, it

didn’t matter. Wynn didn’t care that she wasn’t conventional. He just

accepted her unconditionally as he always had.

“Your mom and dad might have certain views, but minds can change.

How a person was raised and the things they’ve learned growing up can be

changed. Sometimes, people just say things because they aren’t educated to

the fact that it’s not right or that it could and does hurt another person. Your

parents are good people with big hearts. They would never intentionally try

to hurt another person, especially not you.”

“I know that, but I just couldn’t imagine telling them after I heard him

say that.”

“Sometimes you have to be the person to make changes yourself. You

have to take the lead and help others get past where they’re stumbling. Are

you afraid that they won’t love you if they know? That they’d reject you?”

“Yes!” Kiera’s eyes flew to the closed door. “I’m afraid that everyone

would. That people would treat me differently. That they’d judge me. I’m

afraid that my parents wouldn’t speak to me or that our relationship would

never be the same. I’m afraid that the store would suffer. That we’d lose