“I know. Because I’ve also never seen you look at anyone you’ve ever

been with, certainly not that Shane character, the way you looked at Romi.


Kiera’s heart thudded to a standstill. “Excuse me?”

“Yes. That’s right. I was married long enough to my dear Betty before

she passed to know what real love looks like. And I know a few things

about attraction and falling as well. I can recognize a spark when I see one.

A real spark. The kind that doesn’t just quit and sputter out. I think you had

that with Romi.”

“I…but she’s…”

“A woman? I noticed.” Wynn sighed. “Sweetheart, it isn’t a crime to love

who you love. I firmly believe that. What is it that people say? Love is

love? I believe that too. My Betty came from a whole different world. Her

parents hated me. Didn’t want her to have anything to do with me. She

fought for me, fought them, fought the whole world for the kid who grew

up on the wrong side of the tracks.” Wynn chuckled at Kiera’s puzzled

expression. “You didn’t know that about me? My father was a mechanic.

Betty’s father was a banker. My daddy didn’t go to church. Not once. He

worked every single day of his life. Worked hard, drank, smoked, cussed,

the whole deal. He was a hard man. He was raised that way, but one look at

Betty and he melted all over the place. He loved her and she loved him.

Loved my mom too. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that Betty didn’t

give up on me. She ran off with me and we got married. Her parents

eventually came around, and that was before I decided to go to college to be

able to support her and the family we wanted to have. I might have gone

later that most people, but I made a decent living selling insurance for a

long time. I like to think that I helped a lot of people. Wouldn’t have

happened if it wasn’t for Betty. In fact, I never would have met your dad.

He’s been a great friend to me over the years, so I can say with certainty

that he loves you more than anything in the world. Your mom too, of