Romi’s severance check on Monday. She put a tracking number on it to

make sure it got to Romi safely. She knew Romi had signed for it, but so

far, she hadn’t cashed it.

Wynn slid into the chair across from Kiera’s. He stared at her over her

desk. He didn’t blink. He didn’t say anything for the longest time. Kiera

knew Wynn, and she waited him out. She didn’t cave under his intense


“Do you have any idea why Romi quit without giving any notice?”

“No. Should I?”

“I just thought I’d ask.”


“Okay.” Wynn leaned back in the chair until it creaked. He raised his

bushy white eyebrows an inch. “Are you going to be honest with me now?”

“What?” Kiera choked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You do. And you do know why Romi quit. I didn’t actually think you

had anything to do with it or knew anything more than the rest of us until I

saw you walking around this week, so off your game. And then, when I

walked in here and asked, the first thing your left eye did was twitch. It

does that sometimes. When you’re not being honest.”

“That’s the dumbest—it does not!”

“It does. I’ve known you for a lifetime. Since you were born. Trust me. It

does.” Wynn dared to lean back another inch in the chair so that the wood

and leather groaned louder. Ki

era didn’t so much as wince or remark on

how the chair would one day see the floor when she switched it out and

how it should be in good structural condition. Wynn hadn’t come in to talk

about chairs, and he was only making it creak to prove a point.

“I don’t know why she quit.”

“Your eye just twitched again.”

“Fine!” Kiera huffed. “I do know. She mentioned something to me about