can I. No one can. Not even when they’re at their wedding making their

vows. It’s bullshit. No one can promise that they’re not going to change. No

one can promise that they’re not going to grow apart. People don’t know

what’s going to happen tomorrow or the next day or the week after that, or a

year down the road. They can’t promise an entire lifetime. That’s why so

many people get divorced. They make promises they can’t keep. The

system sets them up for failure.”

Romi was floored. What kind of argument could she make against that?

She’d been blindsided the second she walked in the door. Clearly Kiera had

time to prepare her argument. Not that it was a different argument from

what she’d said before, it was just more brutal now.

Not because Kiera had changed her mind, but because it was so much

more brutal being rejected after Romi had been given hope.

She wanted to fight for Kiera, but maybe now wasn’t the time, maybe

there would never be a time. She had to let it go and just give Kiera time.

Even if she was tired of time being the answer. Even if time was never the

answer. She had to try, she had to hold out hope, because what was she

without it?

“I’m sorry,” Kiera whispered. She’d never raised her voice. She hadn’t

spoken in anger, she was just deflated. She looked disappointed in herself.

Defeated. Broken.


“I have to.”

“You don’t have to. You don’t have to apologize to me”

“Don’t stand there looking so hopeful. Please. I can’t take it. I don’t have

a right for you to have hope in me. I don’t have it in myself. I can’t do this

anymore. With you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, because I know that we had

something amazing. I just…it’s not the right time. I don’t think there ever

will be a right time and I need to be fair to you.”

“I understand.”