you how much I already love working here.”

“Great,” Kiera muttered.

She stuck out her hand for a quick shake. She expected Romi’s hand to

be slightly clammy and her handshake to be dainty, like a br

ush of air. She

was surprised when Romi’s fingers curled around hand and she clasped

briefly, then let go.

Kiera didn’t get anything as stupid as lightning or tingles racing up her

arm. Her fingers didn’t burn. No, it wasn’t her arm where she felt that

contact at all. She felt it in the pinching and fluttering of her stomach, the

strange shortness of breath again, like she’d just been knocked to the

ground and winded for a minute. She felt tingles in her thighs and a burn in

a spot that was nowhere near her hand.

“Got Wade coming in this morning,” Wynn announced. He came up

behind Kiera, popping up out of nowhere.

She felt her face heat up annoyingly as she caught his eye. She hoped to

hell he couldn’t tell what she’d just been thinking about. What she’d been

thinking about all weekend.

“You have to be shitting me,” Kiera hissed under her breath.

“I know, I know. I was trying to save him for the end of the week, but it

was a no-go.” The front counter was to the left of the front door. Romi had

slipped back behind and was watching them intently, obviously awaiting

some kind of instruction for the day. Wynn ambled over to stand beside her,

clearly going to give her a plan of action.

“Who’s Wade?” Romi asked, still far too gratingly cheerful. And pretty.

“Wade is…well, Wade is one of our vendors,” Wynn explained patiently.

The store still had half an hour before it was officially open for business, so

Kiera walked over and locked the front door, since she’d been too distracted

to do it when she entered.

“And he’s difficult?”