irritation before she leaned forward and rested her head on the steering

wheel. She’d promised Romi. She’d fucking promised.

And she just couldn’t do it.

What kind of special brand of coward was she? At the moment, she

couldn’t find an ounce of anything in herself that she could actually be

proud of. Would she ever find the courage to tell her parents? She just kept

thinking about that last comment her dad made. That word kept running

through her mind.

Not natural. I’m not natural. My dad would think that I wasn’t natural if I

told him. My mom would back him. She always does.

Would it be different for them if there was a name and a face attached?

Someone they cared about deeply, or would that make it worse? Either way,

she knew they would have a hard time dealing with it. A very hard time.

They’d be confused. That was partly her own fault because she’d lied to

them for so long. They’d be upset. They might even by angry and

defensive. Weren’t those the stages of change? The only thing she could

think about were her parents wounded faces when she admitted to lying to

them. For nearly two decades.

Kiera groaned because suddenly Romi’s face entered the mix.

She promised her. Romi cared. Romi cared about her a lot. She’d taken a

chance. Put herself out there. She was caring and kind and so incredibly

patient. She discussed her hurt with Kiera. She’d put her heart on the line

more than a few times since they’d met. Kiera was the one who was

constantly disappointing her.

It didn’t feel good to be the one who constantly disappointed someone. It

actually felt like shit. She felt like shit. Romi was going to hate her. She was

going to be shocked and dismayed when Kiera admitted to her that she just

couldn’t do it, and that she honestly wasn’t sure she ever could.

It wasn’t like there was ever going to be some magical right time.

If she couldn’t tell her parents, then she knew it wasn’t fair to keep Romi