something deeper. When Romi finally turned the movie back on, she was

well and thoroughly kissed. She snuggled back into Kiera and let her body

melt against her. She was so thankful to have this. She would never take a

single second of their time together for granted.

They might not have dropped the L-bomb yet, but Romi thought it often.

She didn’t just appreciate Kiera. She was sure, though it had only been a

matter of weeks, that she loved Kiera. Honestly, it was impossible not to,

and sometimes it really was possible to just know.

Chapter 23


Even though she psyched herself up for it, sitting down to have dinner

with her parents was still tough. Her mom, Rhonda, never let Kiera help her

set the table, but after, the cleanup was a different story. Her dad, Bryan,

took his seat at the head of the table and sunk down, inhaling deeply.

“Smells wonderful, Rhonda.” He said the same thing every mealtime and

had for just about as long as Kiera could remember.

Kiera’s mom smiled her usual soft smile and sat down in the chair beside

her husband. Kiera was opposite her mom, with her dad on her left.

Once their plates were full, Kiera meant to broach the subject somehow.

She was going to try to ease her parents into it. Ask them what they thought

about pride month, even though it had already passed a few months ago.

Maybe just come out and ask straight up what they thought about same sex

marriage being legal in Ohio, since that had just changed within the past

five years.

No matter how hard she wanted to make a sound, she couldn’t do it. Her

lips refused to move. She was so anxious that all she could do was push her

food around her plate. Her stomach refused to get on board with the fact

that it did indeed smell good and look great. Her mom was an excellent


“So, how’s it going at the store?” Kiera’s mom set down her fork and