ease the sting she felt. “I don’t want to rush you into anything, but I really

would like you to meet them. My family is a really big part of my life and

they know about us and I think they’re disappointed, and I don’t want them

to think that you don’t want to meet them.”

“You should just explain.”

“I know. I wasn’t sure that you’d be okay with me doing that. I didn’t

want to tell them your secrets or betray your confidence.”

“That’s very thoughtful.” Kiera smiled softly at her, like it was settled,

but Romi just couldn’t let it go.

“Really, they want to meet you. I’ve basically told them that you’re

different. And amazing. And that you’re super special to me. You will meet

them, won’t you?”

“Of course. I just want to talk to my parents first.”

Romi wanted to start the movie and let it do the thinking for her. Or

better yet, stop her from thinking altogether. She wanted to, but she just

couldn’t make her thumb move no matter how she commanded it to hit the

play button.

“I just need time,” Kiera whispered when Romi remained silent and


“I know. I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to apologize. I should have done it before now. It’s

just…hard. I promise I’ll talk to them soon. This week. I have to go over

there this weekend. I’ll tell them. I swear.”

“You don’t have to swear to me.” Romi softened. “I trust you. I know

you’ll do it when you’re ready.”

“I’ve tried a thousand times. Every single time I go over there, I want to

do it, but I just…can’t. I start, and then I stop before I can get it out. I hate

that I’m scared. It makes me feel like a coward.”

“You’re not a coward.”

“I’d like to believe that, but I’ve let my fear dictate a lot of things