seemed like she was just waiting for the right person to come along and

basically fight for her to take a chance on opening her heart to them.

Everything was going so well that Romi half expected there to be a catch.

A moment when everything started to unravel and fall apart.

It finally came a few weeks after they started officially seeing each other.

Even though Romi hadn’t set a timeline and she didn’t want Kiera to rush

into anything she wasn’t ready for, it was concerning that she still hadn’t

talked to her parents. More concerning to Romi was the fact that every

single time she brought up introducing Kiera to her family, Kiera found

some reason to decline.

After trying to bring up the subject several times, and failing, Romi

decided she couldn’t put it off any longer. She cooked a nice dinner for

Kiera, then before she went to rent a movie they’d both been dying to

watch, she decided that she’d broach the topic. Really broach it, and not shy

away from expressing how she felt about it.


“Hmm?” Kiera was already snuggled up on the other side of the couch,

Romi’s knit purple blanket wrapped around her. Romi’s spot was there,

right in front, but she didn’t automatically curl into it. She didn’t want to be


“I was wondering if you would…well, my parents extended this open

invitation to us for dinner and I thought that you might like to, uh, meet

them? My brother and sister wouldn’t have to be there. We could go slow.

You could meet them later.”

“I would,” Kiera started, in a tone that said there was a big but coming.

Sure enough. It came. “But I don’t know if I’m comfortable doing that yet,

when I still haven’t talked to my own parents. I would feel a little bit like I

was betraying them.”

Romi pressed her lips together. She debated about staying silent, but

decided against it. She’d stayed silent every other time and it hadn’t helped