
Shane frowned. He still had that lost, sad expression on his face. Clearly,

no one had ever dumped him before. Clearly, he’d always been the one to

do the leaving and it wasn’t so great being on the other side of things.

“What about your family?” he challenged. “You’re going to tell them the


“Yes. That’s what I’m planning on doing. I’m going to tell them that we

broke up because we were never actually dating for real because I’m

actually a lesbian.”

Shane shook his head, mystified. “Why now? Why are you suddenly

convinced right now, just like that, that you should come clean when you’ve

spent years doing the opposite?”

“That’s exactly why. Because sometimes you reach that point where you

just know it’s time. Where you just can’t take the lies anymore. Sometimes

you’re inspired to do it because you want a different life than the one

you’ve been living. Sometimes, you realize that what you were doing

before was ultimately very empty.”

“You’re not afraid they’re going to be seriously pissed and disown you?”

“Of course I’m afraid.” This time it was Kiera who reached for her

coffee. She didn’t drink any, but cradled the cup, letting the warmth soothe

away her building fears and mounting anxiety.

“This wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain girl that you

mentioned? The one you work with?”

Of course Shane was able to figure it out. For all the times he tried to

pretend he didn’t have a brain in his head, he could be quite smart and even

sensitive and kind when he wanted to be. If he ever did give in and grow up

a little and actually decide on a relationship, he’d be quite a catch for some

lucky woman. Kiera hadn’t tried to keep it a secret from him, he just hadn’t

asked when she broke the news to him about ending their relationship.

“Yes.” Kiera took a small sip of her coffee. Normally, she loved the way