thinking about it. She’d never felt so right with someone else. She always

thought that describing a sexual act as becoming one with another person

was just kind of sappy—basically bullshit. She didn’t think so anymore.

She finally understood. Kiera just had this aura, and now Romi knew that

she was a part of that. It made her feel strange in a really good way.

Romi couldn’t remember that last time she’d ever felt so happy. She kind

of wanted to get up on the counter and fist punch the air while screaming,

“Oh hell yeah!”

Instead, she finished off the mugs of tea and stepped back. This was just

the beginning of everything. Yes, it was amazing; yes, she was already

walking around in a haze; but things were also going to be tough. They had

a long way to go. Kiera had a hard road head of her and Romi intended on

walking every single inch of that road with her. She knew it could very well

be filled with potholes and heartache and that there were going to be more

than their fair share of hurdles to face. She knew all those things, but at the

moment, all she felt was blissfully happy.

She was swaying around in her kitchen in a pink fluffy bathrobe,

humming, with a carton of cream in her hand. Of course she was happy.

Romi really thought it couldn’t get any better, but then Kiera walked into

the kitchen, fully dressed again, and proved her wrong. Romi half expected

a fast, kind of awkward exit with some whispered promises, but instead

Kiera surprised her. She walked right up, cupped Romi’s face in her hands,

and dropped a scalding kiss onto her mouth that left her breathless and

wanting more.

Good lord, she wanted more.

She was still holding the cream in one hand, and she wanted more.

She was disappointed when Kiera pulled away, but she understood. This

was day one. Day one of hopefully many, many more. She didn’t want to do

anything to jeopardize the happiness they’d found. While they had an

undeniable connection, Romi knew that at the beginning things were